Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thanksgiving and Family Health

Healthtip: Since most of us gather with family over Thanksgiving, this is a good time to review together your family health history. Much of what we know today about chronic disease is related to genetics and heredity. The more you can document on your family health history, the more equipped you will be to understand your own health. The National Institute of Health has devised a great chart to help with this: https://familyhistory.hhs.gov/fhh-web/home.action

One thing that every patient visit with a doctor has in common: asking about family history. You probably notice this more and more: that your doctor asks you if there's any family history of heart disease, stroke, cancer, etc. This helps equip your doctor to an understanding of your own health risks. And then the preventative measures can be taken to promote your health accordingly.

Theres so little in our lives that we can truly control or understand well. I think the older I get, the more I realize that my life is not under my control. I take greater and greater satisfaction in understanding that while my choices affect me, ultimately the plan God has for me cannot be thwarted. With the ups and downs of life, I find more comfort in understanding WHO holds my life, rather thatn trying to hold my own.

In this holiday season, the greatest gratitude comes in knowing and understanding that whatever our history, or our family history may be, leaning on God's providence, and not our own understanding ( Prov 3: 5, 6), is the foundation we all seek in this life!

Friday, November 18, 2011

What should my blood pressure be?

Healthcare Tip:   Blood pressure is considered elevated when it regularly reads above 130/90. Whenever you have an elevated BP reading, it is a good idea to write it down twice weekly for a month, and then take that reading to your doctor. If it reads regularly above 130/90 then you should be on a medication.

As Ive mentioned before in this blog, blood pressure is an ongoing concern as it grows to epidemic proportions today. Basically, in all my years of studying and practicing if there's one thing I would tell everyone about their health it is this: KEEP YOUR BLOOD PRESSURE UNDER CONTROL. Heart disease, stroke, and diabetes closely follow higher blood pressure readings. The problem is that you often don't develop these until your blood pressure has been elevated for years. So do what you can, as soon as you can!

This week I have had the chance to be on the other side of healthcare. I had to go in for surgery, and found myself in the vulnerable role of a patient. As clinicians, we can easily forget how humbling this really is. . Our role to provide healthcare gives us the focus we often need to be equipped to care for our patients. And yet, this perspective may often cloud our ability to understand the vulnerable role of a patient.  It’s been a long time that I have been in the patient role for more than a few minutes, and this week I was enlightened into the feelings of the humbling role of a patient. The nurses that took care of me immediatlely put me at ease, and my fears were cast aside quickly. I am truly thankful for the great team that took care of me, and also thankful that I was reminded how important a warm, genuine concern is for each patient that God sends me.

I guess one of the reasons we are often filled with anxiety in hospital and clinic settings is that we feel we are out of control. It was a true eye opener for me this week to be recognize, yet again, how out of control I really am. The truth is that even in making all the right choices to protect our health, we cannot add or take away a day that God has planned for us. This gives me a sense of hope and renewed purpose. In some small sense, God allows us to feel a part of His greater plan for our lives. As I was being wheeled into surgery, I kept thinking of the apostle Paul who affirmed that he " knows WHOM he has believed in" . How very true and comforting it is to know that while the story of our lives may seem to continually change,, the Author has never changed. He doesn't allow an editor.. He is the only one who holds the script. Not a hair on our head goes unnoticed by the God who created us. Now, that my dear friends, should be enough hope to bring down any blood presssure reading- smile;-)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Is coffee bad for me?

Healthtip:  Contrary to popular thought, coffee can actually have some positive health benefits, and has recently been shown to reduce the risk of Parkinsons Disease. Using a paper filter can also maximize the health benefit of coffee, as the paper filter removes components that would otherwise increase cholesterol. Like everything, the benefits of coffee are seen in moderate consumption.

As an avid coffee drinker, I am continually amazed at the confusing things I hear about coffee and caffeine in general. So, I thought Id write this tip for those who are in the same conundrum. Coffee actually has its benefits for our health! Of course, being careful not to drink it in excess is important, but, in general, it's not something we should cut out of our diet. And, we all know the warming effects of a cup of coffee can have when shared with a friend!

For those of you who may be skeptical, here's an article that may enlighten you a bit more: http://newsinhealth.nih.gov/2009/August/feature1.htm

It seems to me that so much of life is about maintaing a healthy balance. I am naturally an anxious person, and tend to develop habits of excess, so, I think it's important to remember that almost everything thats good for us, can become detrimental at some point. That is often the confounding factor in research, as it is difficult to determine at what point consuming something like coffee ceases to be beneficial, and actually becomes harmful to our health.

I think of how Scripture speaks about the importance of pursuing the discipline of self-control (2 Peter 1:6). We are not to be mastered by anything but God. I know for myself this is only possible when I stay focused on the disicipline of walking with Him. The more I learn about the world around me, the more I can enjoy it, without worrying about it controlling me. As Christians, we know this is only possible through the strength He can give us! SO, here's to that hot cup of coffee to get your day going!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

How much can my doctor tell me or my family?

Tip: Your healthcare provider is required to tell you everything you must know related to your condition. Contrary to general consensus, doctors cannot keep 'secrets' from your care legally. Also,if you want to know details of your loved one's condition from the doctor, you must be on the approved listed of people established by your loved one.

It seems that there is common misconception that healthcare providers keep secrets from their patients, or only tell them what they want them to know. One of the most fiercest laws in healthcare today is known as HIPAA, and it basically means that your medical information belongs to you. On the other side of this law, if your information is shared without your consent to ANYONE, it is along the lines of a federal crime.

After having worked overseas for so many years, I think this was the most difficult thing to learn working in healthcare. For example, if I threw away a piece of paper in the 'regular' trash, that contained a patient's address and/or any health info, I was told I could be charged legally as this was a crime. Needless to say, I learned quickly;-)

It is important to recognize this law, and to realize that your healthcare provider is also liable to share with you openly about what is known about your health.

On a personal note, it's sobering to consider how little we know as clinicians. The information we obtain through testing and exams is often inaccurate in the overall picture/prognosis. Just last week my exam had shown that I was expecting, and that things were looking good for a mid first trimester pregnancy. And yesterday morning, the reality was revealed, both to my husband and I and my clinicians. The ultrasound showed a gestation with no baby.

As much as I understand how this happens physiologically, and how common this is; I still had so many questions. Questions which I know the best doctor can't answer. And yet, there is a Physician who knows all the answers to my health, my heart and my prognosis. And HE is not bound by HIPAA laws. His plan for our lives is revealed in His timing, one day at a time. As heavy hearted as I feel as I write this, I have my anchor set in the Physician whose plan and purposes for me and my family cannot be thwarted. I know that no matter what life may hold, He is bound by no laws of nature, and what He purposes to be- will be. This is the anchor that holds me through the storm, and gives me the strength I need to pass this blessed assurance on to others!
" For I know whom I have believed in and am persuaded that HE is able to keep that which I have committed unto HIm" 2 Tim 1: 12

Monday, November 7, 2011

Is this mole skin cancer?

Health Tip: For most moles/skin lesions, if you keep in mind the ABCDE's of moles, it will help you know whether you have something that needs to be checked out:
Border Irregularity

The ABCDE acronym above is what we use to help people determine whether their skin lesion needs to be biopsied, etc. So, basically, the most important thing is you observing the lesions and seeing if they change and keeping an eye on the specifics of it.

I always try to think of practical tips to give you in this blog. More importantly, I try to think of the most common questions I see in primary care, in hopes that these tips will be practical. And well, skin lesions are one of those constant concerns for people, no matter what the age or time in life.

Knowing our own bodies seems to be a very important piece of our overall health. Keeping track of what we eat, what we weigh, our routines, are all pivotal in helping us protect our health. In fact, sometimes it seems each patient is best equipped to care of his/her own health, and healthcare personnel are there to guide you in that journey.

As I consider the changes I am experiencing in my own body, and in life in general, I am struck by the fact that our spiritual health is very similar to our physical health. It seems that protecting our spiritual health, and making choices to stay close to God's plan for us, will help us trust His plan, and to know when something is askew. Like that mole thats changing, being spiritually in tune to where we are in our lives is important each day, to know when, and maybe before problems may arise. One of the ways I think that we can clearly 'stay the course' spiritually is to remember , that as the writer of Hebrews 12 says, we are surrounded by a great cloud of witness- and as we help one another in our spiritual journey, we are staying in tune to our own spiritual health, and protecting our health- in more ways than one.

Friday, November 4, 2011

What's best for a cough?

Health Tip: Guiafenesin is an excellent over the counter cough expressant that can help relieve a mild, irritating cough.

This time a year it seems that most of us will be fighting off a cough in some manner or another. Often, those coughs are just irritating coughs that keep us up at night, and linger for a few days. If the cough is not associated with a fever, or if it hasn't gone past two weeks, then often guiafenesin is an excellent option. This ingredient can be found in Mucinex cough and cold, but is available generically. Obviously, coughs, like most colds, are also best treated with good hydration- you can practically 'wash' a cough away if you drink enough. All this being said, it is important to know that if you have wheezing or a cough that lingers you may need an xray.

Although coughs are usually harmless, and we can often just use the 'watch and wait' approach, at times it's difficult to know if more testing is needed.  As simple as coughs usually are for most, there are those times that a cough is not so simple; such is the unpredictable nature of illness.

As I write this blog, I think about how unpredictable life is as a whole; and how important it is to take one day at a time. As  I treat my patients everyday, I am often astounded at the unpredictable turns their life may take. I have recently discovered this for myself in a very real way.

 What I thought was a mild infection I discovered this week is actually another child on the way. Having a 16 year old and 14 year old means this will be an unexpected 'rewind' for us as a family:) We are growing accustomed to this idea, and getting more excited with each passing day.

I see with each passing day that life is truly an adventure. Whether we are fighting off a cold, or finding out news that changes our life completely ( smile), we can trust in God's plan for our lives.  Its almost like I can hear God whispering Jeremiah 29:11 in my ear as I write this.... He knows the plans He has for each of us.. and if we start each day with that promise, then we can hold on tight and appreciate the adventure He's planned !