Health Tip: During this time of year many people are exposed to allergens that cause skin rashes such as poison ivy. Oatmeal baths and diphenhydramine ( benadryl) are good ways to soothe the skin when rashes erupt.
People are often asking me how they can know whether their rash needs to be treated or not. Although rashes can have a myriad of causes, that sudden itchy rash in the Spring or Summer is probably related to an allergen such as a plant. The first treatment is Benadryl. Although it makes everyone a bit sleepy, it is the treatment of choice to be used the first few days after exposure to relieve symptoms. In fact, Benadryl is the drug of choice for allergies of all kinds. It is a good idea to take it at night since it causes drowsiness. Oatmeal baths are a great way to soothe the skin when the rash erupts. Together this treatment plan will often help symptoms subside.
The only time steroids are indicated is when the itching is incessant and if the rash is widespread and/or erupts on the face. Steroids are used to help with those violent itching spells, but, once again, benadryl will often help if used quickly.
Finally, try to keep from itching as it will often leave to a second problem: infection.
As we head into the summer, I hope this tip helps you treat those rashes that are bound to come during this high allergen season.