Monday, September 19, 2011

Improving Short Term Memory

Health Tip: Repetition/Routine helps develop your 'motor memory' which decreases the stress of many of the day to day activities.

Its hard to accept the fact that most of us are losing are short term memory as we age.. Like the rest of our bodies, our mind's age with us. If you're anything like me, it's hard to accept that you forget where you left the keys, or the main item you needed at the grocery store, or even what your children's activities are for the week.  One of the ways we can help our short term memory is to develop routines. Simple routines, such as where to place the car keys when you walk in the house, help establish what's called motor memory. Basically, motor memory is like riding a bike- your mind just reflexively knows what to do thanks on the repetition and training. So the more habits you create, the less you are taxing your short term memory.

A long time favorite passage of mine is in 2 Corinthians 4:16 which reminds us that although we are wasting away outwardly ( we all know how this feels !), we are continually being renewed in our Spirit. Basically, no matter what is happening to our bodies, we can age with JOY.. with PEACE..and with confidence.. Because we know that we are not defined by this body. Our souls are being renewed.. and one day will be completely restored to our Creator!

I cannot tell you how many times I have seen that age is an attitude.. when you feel old, you will act old.. On that note, I wanted to add a cute clip from youtube that my son shared with me. This elderly couples' fun loving attitude about new technology inspired me. The vitality and youth of their souls transcends the aging of their bodies! I hope this clip will give you a giggle too!!

1 comment:

  1. Ah love your heart sister! and... meanwhile we groan, longing to be clothed with our heavenly dwelling... 2 Cor 5:2 - but giggling helps! love the clip and love ending this day with a laugh and a prayer that God continue to shine His light and love through your special gifts. blessings of peace... kel
