Saturday, June 30, 2012

Can I drink a glass of wine?

Can I drink a glass of wine?

Health Tip: A glass of red wine a day (4-6oz) helps promote cardiovascular health.

In this blog, I am approaching the controversial subject of drinking. You will not see this addressed readily by your healthcare provider, as it is difficult to tell people the evidence without being fearful of instigating the abuse of alcohol. That disclaimer aside, the value of a glass of wine on your health is continually being validated. In fact, would you believe recent evidence suggests a glass of wine a day may prevent Alzheimers as well?  Once again, this fact was already established in scripture. 1 Tim 5:23 addresses the value of a glass of wine for stomach upset! I am always amazed at how many scriptural principles are affirmed in evidence based medicine… Should we tell medical researchers that all these new discoveries aren’t so new after all?! hmmmm

The biggest reason this is not promoted is that the benefits of alcohol are only seen in moderate drinking. What is moderate drinking? For women that is one glass of wine daily, and for men that is 2 glass of wine daily. More than this , and the benefits actually turn in to a health risk.  SO, this is probably why this subject is rarely broached. And yet, to me, this just further affirms value of moderation in everything God gives us to enjoy in this life.  1 Corinthians 6:13 is a great motto to live by …” I will not be mastered by anything”

Hopefully, the following information will help you understand the health benefits of that  glass of wine:  

“Moderate drinkers tend to have better health and live longer than those who are either abstainers or heavy drinkers do. In addition to having fewer heart attacks and strokes, moderate consumers of alcoholic beverages (beer, wine or distilled spirits or liquor) are generally less likely to suffer hypertension or high blood pressure, peripheral artery disease, Alzheimer's disease and the common cold. Sensible drinking also appears to be beneficial in reducing or preventing diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, bone fractures and osteoporosis, kidney stones, digestive ailments, stress and depression, poor cognition and memory, Parkinson's disease, hepatitis A, pancreatic cancer, macular degeneration (a major cause of blindness), angina pectoris, duodenal ulcer, hearing loss, gallstones, liver disease and poor physical condition in elderly


  1. I'm curious. Does purple grape juice have a similar impact, or is there something about the fermentation process that adds to the benefits?

  2. I have been trying to do this but I really don't like the dark red wines. Is there an alternative to the wine that is just as good?

  3. There are some studies that grape juice provides equivalent benefit but, then you are getting the sugar spike as well.
