Friday, January 20, 2012

Carbs, protein, or just veggies?

Health Tip: Current evidence substantiates that low carbohydrate diets are the best for weight loss and maintaining weight goals. While a diet rich in vegetables is beneficial, proteins are a must to maintaining weight loss, and should be the mainstay of any weight loss program.

As I started writing this blog, I have received more general questions about weight than any other topic. In fact, it is the hottest topic in healthcare today. Weight issues have become epidemic in our society and culture today. It is interesting that the weight loss industry is a multibillion dollar industry that continues to thrive,  and yet, our epidemic only continues to rise. This ever growing industry doesn't seem to be having an effect on us. My take is that because the essence of the American diet is quick carbs. Unless our culture changes, neither will our waist lines. As long as the American diet is symbolized by the cheeseburger, apple pie, and mashed potatoes ( yum), then we remain in a vicious cycle. Its up to each one of us, individually, to step out of the cultural norms of a carbohydrate driven diet.
To answer the question of many of the readers of this blog, the ideal weight loss diet is best achieved when carbohydrates are kept to a low. Seriously folks.. the evidence just keeps piling up that our favorite foods : chips, pasta, cakes, rice, breads, cookies, in other words:.. the mainstay of our diets.. are killing us. We must try to grab those protein bars instead of those high carb snacks;-)

Vegetables are a must, of course. But, to answer the question Im often asked : how many portions of vegetables should I eat daily? The answer is 3-5 daily. They are pivotal, very important, but, vegetables alone do not sustain life. Protein must be the back bone of our diets.

Protein snack ideas surround us: peanuts, deli meats, protein bars, meats, eggs, tofu( yes, tofu), etc,. Its just a matter of asking yourself : Is this food mostly carb or protein? let that question guide you as you pick up your next munchie;-)

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