Thursday, December 22, 2011

Beware the Flu!

Beware the FLU!

Healthtip: Symptoms of the flu:
1)      High fever (> 100)
2)      Sore throat
3)      Body aches!

Ok.. so, the flu is starting to show up in the US. The word flu is used readily to describe many passing illnesses, but, I wanted to be sure you are aware influenza has very distinct symptoms. For most people, it hits from one day to the next. Unlike the common cold, its not an illness that creeps up on you. Many people describe it as “being hit by a truck!”. Although most of us can usually fight off the flu, please remember that if you have a family member with asthma, they are at a higher risk of developing pneumonia too. SO.. keep a close eye on them.

Most important thing with the flu, and really any illness, is to remember to be diligent about trying to bring the fever down. And drink LOTS OF FLUIDS.. As Ive mentioned before, water’s ok.. but, electrolyte filled fluids are even better! So, grab that oj!

As we come around to this most celebrated time of year, I think about how each person’s story is unique. With the advent of Christmas and the coming of Christ, we can know that no matter what our story may be this time of year.. We can take HOPE in God’s promises. In fact, Scripture promises that “ He who puts his hope in God will not be put to shame!” Ps 23:5!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

What brings down this fever the fastest?

Health Tip: Ibuprofen has been shown to be the most effective, efficient analgesic to bring down fevers quickly.  Due to it's antiinflammatory effect, it is also irreplaceable as an over the counter for inflammatory pain ( such as toothache, muscle sprain, back aches, tension headaches, etc).

Fevers. Such a common ailment, and yet often, such a scary symptom- especially in young children. Fevers are usually our bodies' way of combatting a viral or bacterial infection. It is our immune system's effective way to fight off invaders. And yet, it can be alarming- especially with those high fevers.

Ibuprofen ( brand name such as Motrin) is an incredibly effective antipyretic (fever reducing) medication, that is available over the counter. While acetaminophen (Tylenol) is helpful, it does not work as quickly to bring down those high temps. The suspension, or liquid form is even more effective, as it is absorbed under the tongue- and goes to work immediately!

An important point to remember with fevers is that fevers dehydrate us. This is especially true for young children. So, work hard to bring that temperature down, and keep pushing liquids whenever your child has a fever- even those small drops of liquid can be absorbed immediately. With every degree of temperature, be even more diligent to keep hydrated.

I hope you find this simple tip helpful as you care for yourself or your sick loved one;-) Here's to a healthy Christmas season. What a joy to know that we have a God that loves us enough to send His Son for us, and that he cares about every small detail of our lives!

Monday, December 5, 2011

How can I combat my anxiety?

Health Tip: Talk therapy, or talking through and reconstructing our thoughts, has been shown to help us combat our anxious thoughts, and some studies have shown it to be more effective than medication for anxiety!. Talking through our problems is not only emotionally helpful, it can have long term health benefits as well!

Anxiety is one of the most common chronic ailments in our society. Many scientists think that we are plagued with anxiety because our nervous systems are 'overtaxed'. Everywhere we look there is something demanding our time and energy. This takes a toll on us, and puts on edge. Anxiety leads to cardiovascular problems, blood pressure, and other chronic disease.

Research has shown that medication helps, but, talk therapy has been shown to be as effective as medication. What works best for many people is talk therapy and medication together, but, for those that wish to avoid medication- find that person you trust and talk through your anxious thoughts- regularly.

As a Christian, I know that prayer is an act of listening and talking to God. I often marvel at how much time Jesus spent in prayer during his journey on Earth. He knew how important it was to tell His Father His concerns. What a joy to know that we have this same avenue to talk to God- thanks to the cross. Although His answer often may often be " Be still and wait patiently", talking to God can be one of the healthiest things we do everyday. What a joy to know that as we accept Jesus and His redemptive work on the cross, we too can follow His lead- in talking to God daily!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Will this medication work for me?

Evidence has shown that a medication is more likely to work for you if you believe it will. This is referred to as the placebo effect. In medicine, the idea and understanding of the placebo effect is pivotal to knowing whether a medication is effective or not.

In scientific studies, a placebo is when a 'sugar' pill is given in the place of the real medication. The studies then follow the placebo, or sugar pill, in comparison with the real medication,  to see the effectiveness of a medication. This may sound confusing, but, the basis is that for a new medication to "pass the test" it just has to do a bit better than the good ole sugar pill study. All that to say, when a person believes that they are being given a medication that will help them, there is evidence that it does and will. Placebo effect just refers to the improvement we may see in a group study, when in reality they are just taking a sugar pill. Scientists use placebos to measure new medicine, because if a new medication stands the 'sugar pill' test then maybe the new medication is effective. To pass the "sugar pill test" is a BIG deal!

When I first started working in adult healthcare in the US, I remember the physician I worked with always encouraged me to prescribe exactly the medications that patients asked for. All things being equal, when a person believes a certain drug will work for them, it usually does!. This was especially true when a person needed medicine for depression. When it comes to these type of meds, the evidence shows that usually the medicine that we believe will work best for us, is the one that does.  I am fascinated by this. It is the power of the mind over the body.

I guess in medicine, like in life, it all comes down to what we believe in. Faith is something that is difficult to accept for many people, as there is nothing 'tangible' about faith. And yet, there is so much about our very existence that cries out a need, and a fulfillment that can only be found in faith. I love that healthcare substantiates this. Once again, what we find true for our spirit is often true for our body as well.

Whenever the struggle of faith is discussed, I always think of the words in Hebrews, that "faith is being SURE of what we hope for, and CERTAIN of what we do not see" . The question is .. where will you put your faith? Will it be in the medicine you choose.. or the God you choose to follow? Wherever we put our faith.. our heart and body will surely follow.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thanksgiving and Family Health

Healthtip: Since most of us gather with family over Thanksgiving, this is a good time to review together your family health history. Much of what we know today about chronic disease is related to genetics and heredity. The more you can document on your family health history, the more equipped you will be to understand your own health. The National Institute of Health has devised a great chart to help with this:

One thing that every patient visit with a doctor has in common: asking about family history. You probably notice this more and more: that your doctor asks you if there's any family history of heart disease, stroke, cancer, etc. This helps equip your doctor to an understanding of your own health risks. And then the preventative measures can be taken to promote your health accordingly.

Theres so little in our lives that we can truly control or understand well. I think the older I get, the more I realize that my life is not under my control. I take greater and greater satisfaction in understanding that while my choices affect me, ultimately the plan God has for me cannot be thwarted. With the ups and downs of life, I find more comfort in understanding WHO holds my life, rather thatn trying to hold my own.

In this holiday season, the greatest gratitude comes in knowing and understanding that whatever our history, or our family history may be, leaning on God's providence, and not our own understanding ( Prov 3: 5, 6), is the foundation we all seek in this life!

Friday, November 18, 2011

What should my blood pressure be?

Healthcare Tip:   Blood pressure is considered elevated when it regularly reads above 130/90. Whenever you have an elevated BP reading, it is a good idea to write it down twice weekly for a month, and then take that reading to your doctor. If it reads regularly above 130/90 then you should be on a medication.

As Ive mentioned before in this blog, blood pressure is an ongoing concern as it grows to epidemic proportions today. Basically, in all my years of studying and practicing if there's one thing I would tell everyone about their health it is this: KEEP YOUR BLOOD PRESSURE UNDER CONTROL. Heart disease, stroke, and diabetes closely follow higher blood pressure readings. The problem is that you often don't develop these until your blood pressure has been elevated for years. So do what you can, as soon as you can!

This week I have had the chance to be on the other side of healthcare. I had to go in for surgery, and found myself in the vulnerable role of a patient. As clinicians, we can easily forget how humbling this really is. . Our role to provide healthcare gives us the focus we often need to be equipped to care for our patients. And yet, this perspective may often cloud our ability to understand the vulnerable role of a patient.  It’s been a long time that I have been in the patient role for more than a few minutes, and this week I was enlightened into the feelings of the humbling role of a patient. The nurses that took care of me immediatlely put me at ease, and my fears were cast aside quickly. I am truly thankful for the great team that took care of me, and also thankful that I was reminded how important a warm, genuine concern is for each patient that God sends me.

I guess one of the reasons we are often filled with anxiety in hospital and clinic settings is that we feel we are out of control. It was a true eye opener for me this week to be recognize, yet again, how out of control I really am. The truth is that even in making all the right choices to protect our health, we cannot add or take away a day that God has planned for us. This gives me a sense of hope and renewed purpose. In some small sense, God allows us to feel a part of His greater plan for our lives. As I was being wheeled into surgery, I kept thinking of the apostle Paul who affirmed that he " knows WHOM he has believed in" . How very true and comforting it is to know that while the story of our lives may seem to continually change,, the Author has never changed. He doesn't allow an editor.. He is the only one who holds the script. Not a hair on our head goes unnoticed by the God who created us. Now, that my dear friends, should be enough hope to bring down any blood presssure reading- smile;-)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Is coffee bad for me?

Healthtip:  Contrary to popular thought, coffee can actually have some positive health benefits, and has recently been shown to reduce the risk of Parkinsons Disease. Using a paper filter can also maximize the health benefit of coffee, as the paper filter removes components that would otherwise increase cholesterol. Like everything, the benefits of coffee are seen in moderate consumption.

As an avid coffee drinker, I am continually amazed at the confusing things I hear about coffee and caffeine in general. So, I thought Id write this tip for those who are in the same conundrum. Coffee actually has its benefits for our health! Of course, being careful not to drink it in excess is important, but, in general, it's not something we should cut out of our diet. And, we all know the warming effects of a cup of coffee can have when shared with a friend!

For those of you who may be skeptical, here's an article that may enlighten you a bit more:

It seems to me that so much of life is about maintaing a healthy balance. I am naturally an anxious person, and tend to develop habits of excess, so, I think it's important to remember that almost everything thats good for us, can become detrimental at some point. That is often the confounding factor in research, as it is difficult to determine at what point consuming something like coffee ceases to be beneficial, and actually becomes harmful to our health.

I think of how Scripture speaks about the importance of pursuing the discipline of self-control (2 Peter 1:6). We are not to be mastered by anything but God. I know for myself this is only possible when I stay focused on the disicipline of walking with Him. The more I learn about the world around me, the more I can enjoy it, without worrying about it controlling me. As Christians, we know this is only possible through the strength He can give us! SO, here's to that hot cup of coffee to get your day going!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

How much can my doctor tell me or my family?

Tip: Your healthcare provider is required to tell you everything you must know related to your condition. Contrary to general consensus, doctors cannot keep 'secrets' from your care legally. Also,if you want to know details of your loved one's condition from the doctor, you must be on the approved listed of people established by your loved one.

It seems that there is common misconception that healthcare providers keep secrets from their patients, or only tell them what they want them to know. One of the most fiercest laws in healthcare today is known as HIPAA, and it basically means that your medical information belongs to you. On the other side of this law, if your information is shared without your consent to ANYONE, it is along the lines of a federal crime.

After having worked overseas for so many years, I think this was the most difficult thing to learn working in healthcare. For example, if I threw away a piece of paper in the 'regular' trash, that contained a patient's address and/or any health info, I was told I could be charged legally as this was a crime. Needless to say, I learned quickly;-)

It is important to recognize this law, and to realize that your healthcare provider is also liable to share with you openly about what is known about your health.

On a personal note, it's sobering to consider how little we know as clinicians. The information we obtain through testing and exams is often inaccurate in the overall picture/prognosis. Just last week my exam had shown that I was expecting, and that things were looking good for a mid first trimester pregnancy. And yesterday morning, the reality was revealed, both to my husband and I and my clinicians. The ultrasound showed a gestation with no baby.

As much as I understand how this happens physiologically, and how common this is; I still had so many questions. Questions which I know the best doctor can't answer. And yet, there is a Physician who knows all the answers to my health, my heart and my prognosis. And HE is not bound by HIPAA laws. His plan for our lives is revealed in His timing, one day at a time. As heavy hearted as I feel as I write this, I have my anchor set in the Physician whose plan and purposes for me and my family cannot be thwarted. I know that no matter what life may hold, He is bound by no laws of nature, and what He purposes to be- will be. This is the anchor that holds me through the storm, and gives me the strength I need to pass this blessed assurance on to others!
" For I know whom I have believed in and am persuaded that HE is able to keep that which I have committed unto HIm" 2 Tim 1: 12

Monday, November 7, 2011

Is this mole skin cancer?

Health Tip: For most moles/skin lesions, if you keep in mind the ABCDE's of moles, it will help you know whether you have something that needs to be checked out:
Border Irregularity

The ABCDE acronym above is what we use to help people determine whether their skin lesion needs to be biopsied, etc. So, basically, the most important thing is you observing the lesions and seeing if they change and keeping an eye on the specifics of it.

I always try to think of practical tips to give you in this blog. More importantly, I try to think of the most common questions I see in primary care, in hopes that these tips will be practical. And well, skin lesions are one of those constant concerns for people, no matter what the age or time in life.

Knowing our own bodies seems to be a very important piece of our overall health. Keeping track of what we eat, what we weigh, our routines, are all pivotal in helping us protect our health. In fact, sometimes it seems each patient is best equipped to care of his/her own health, and healthcare personnel are there to guide you in that journey.

As I consider the changes I am experiencing in my own body, and in life in general, I am struck by the fact that our spiritual health is very similar to our physical health. It seems that protecting our spiritual health, and making choices to stay close to God's plan for us, will help us trust His plan, and to know when something is askew. Like that mole thats changing, being spiritually in tune to where we are in our lives is important each day, to know when, and maybe before problems may arise. One of the ways I think that we can clearly 'stay the course' spiritually is to remember , that as the writer of Hebrews 12 says, we are surrounded by a great cloud of witness- and as we help one another in our spiritual journey, we are staying in tune to our own spiritual health, and protecting our health- in more ways than one.

Friday, November 4, 2011

What's best for a cough?

Health Tip: Guiafenesin is an excellent over the counter cough expressant that can help relieve a mild, irritating cough.

This time a year it seems that most of us will be fighting off a cough in some manner or another. Often, those coughs are just irritating coughs that keep us up at night, and linger for a few days. If the cough is not associated with a fever, or if it hasn't gone past two weeks, then often guiafenesin is an excellent option. This ingredient can be found in Mucinex cough and cold, but is available generically. Obviously, coughs, like most colds, are also best treated with good hydration- you can practically 'wash' a cough away if you drink enough. All this being said, it is important to know that if you have wheezing or a cough that lingers you may need an xray.

Although coughs are usually harmless, and we can often just use the 'watch and wait' approach, at times it's difficult to know if more testing is needed.  As simple as coughs usually are for most, there are those times that a cough is not so simple; such is the unpredictable nature of illness.

As I write this blog, I think about how unpredictable life is as a whole; and how important it is to take one day at a time. As  I treat my patients everyday, I am often astounded at the unpredictable turns their life may take. I have recently discovered this for myself in a very real way.

 What I thought was a mild infection I discovered this week is actually another child on the way. Having a 16 year old and 14 year old means this will be an unexpected 'rewind' for us as a family:) We are growing accustomed to this idea, and getting more excited with each passing day.

I see with each passing day that life is truly an adventure. Whether we are fighting off a cold, or finding out news that changes our life completely ( smile), we can trust in God's plan for our lives.  Its almost like I can hear God whispering Jeremiah 29:11 in my ear as I write this.... He knows the plans He has for each of us.. and if we start each day with that promise, then we can hold on tight and appreciate the adventure He's planned !

Monday, October 31, 2011

Best Websites for Healthcare Information

The following are some of the top sites used by healthcare professionals for up-to-date information on protecting your health: 

Many people are often looking for the best resource for information on the latest and greatest for the treatment/protection of their own health. The above sites are used by clinicians around the country and world to find information that is helpful in caring for their patients. I hope you will find those sites helpful. The first one is the National Institute of Health, which is responsible for much of the research on medical conditions done today. Their reports and input can be found on the site. The CDC has the most uptodate information on diseases and their occurrence- it's easily helpful if you're travelling. Finally, the World Health Organization site, is the site that gives the uptodate information for topics related to world health.. Hope you find these sites helpful!
As we inch our way into Winter here, I just want to remind everyone of the importance of antibacterial sanitizers for your hands, and handwashing in general.. This time of year many people spend more of their days inside.. We are often in public settings such as airports, movie theaters, malls.. and these are the places where we 'share' viruses.. So, remember when you can to protect yourself and your family by keeping your hands as germ free as possible!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Yet another sinus infection!

Health Tip:

Nasal saline ( good ole salt water spray/rinse) has been shown to be an effective means to help clear sinus infections. Saline also helps prevents sinus infections if used daily.

Whenever the weather changes it seems like what I do all day is treat sinus infections. Every other person that comes to the clinic comes due to headaches, sinus pressure and drainage. Sinus infections are known for causing pressure in your ears, drainage in your throat, and just a plain 'yuckiness'. They rarely cause fevers..

Although I have never had a sinus infection, listening to people describe them all day I realize they must be pretty distressing. As a pointer to those of you that wonder whether you need an antibiotic for your infection, be aware that the only way to know if antibiotics are really needed is a CAT scan. Obviously this is not possible most of the time, so, the next way for us to know someone needs antibiotics is when the symptoms have gone on for more than a week. Viruses usually run about 3-5 days. When symptoms linger past a week we start to think bacterial and anbiotics are needed.  The one thing that holds true for everyone with symptoms of sinus infection is that nasal saline is very helpful to clear up the discomfort. If that doesn't work, its even more likely you'll need antibiotics.

This week has been a difficult week for me personally. My dear Great Grandmother died, and my mother in law has been suffering with a liver condition. Sometimes in the light of the day to day stresses, I find myself exhausted; as yet another person starts describing a sinus infection, no matter how miserable they may seem. But, as I faced the difficult news and pain of this week, I was reminded  that no matter what our journey may be. God has called us to compassion. Jesus was compassionate to the point of death. Whether the day's journey  simply (or not so simply)consists of a bad sinus infection; or whether it consists of a day of bad news : we can take courage that we have a God that has experienced the struggles we have. He is compassionate and knows our struggles ( hebrews 4:15).

 This envigorates me in weeks like this week, when I have difficulty maintaining the stamina I need to care for the people that come way.  It is my prayer that as I endure in His compassion my patients may persevere in pressing ahead with joy- one day at a time.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Are immunizations good for my child?

Health Tip:

Immunizations, such as the flu shot, in general protect the lives of our families and community. Immunizations have been shown to be the single best thing we can do to protect our health.

I have heard repeatedly that getting vaccines/immunizations is a growing controversy. For many people, there is a thinking that getting an immunization is exposing them to toxins that will make them dangerously ill.  For example, the flu shot that is currently being given nationwide in the US is avoided by some because of fears which are often unfounded. Many people refuse to get it because they say it makes them sick.

While I realize that we all have our choice to make, I wanted to write a blog from the perspective of a healthcare clinician. When I worked in the jungles of Brazil, I saw children dying of diseases we haven't had to think about for years ; because mass immunization has eradicated the disease.

It is true that immunizations can make a person sick. Usually, the risk is that you may become mildly ill from a shot. Compared to the risk of death of the disease ( pertussis, influenza, etc), it seems like an acceptable risk to get a bit sick from an immunization.  I think that it's easy to take for granted the incredible benefit that immunizations have broughto to our families', our communities and our culture as a whole. As we enter the flu season, I wish that people could see what I see every day: how deathly ill people become with the flu ( 102-104 fevers, chills, aches, etc). The flu makes people as sick as malaria. The difference is that there is an immunization for the flu. The people that become the biggest advocate for the flu shots are people who have had the flu. I have seen that time and again.

I write this blog today for all of us to take a step back and see the value of immunizations, and to do the best we can to protect our health. While it is true that immunizations can make a person sick ( maybe one in twenty), it is usually protecting us from a life threatening illness. While I realize that some may correlate shots with conditions like autism too, this is unsubstantiated. Researchers have investigated this in randomized studies for decades and have validated that this fear is unfounded.

I end with the story of a child I took care of in the jungles of Brazil. Paul was only 18 months old when I was asked to see him for his cough. I soon realized Paul had pertussis. I did what I could for Paul, but, he did not survive his battle with pertussis. I remember his mother pleading with me to obtain the immunization to protect Paul's siblings. With time the indian government agency came and immunized Paul's community.

I will never forget watching Paul's battle with a disease that can be prevented through immunizations, and his mothers plea to help her protect his siblings. As I consider the value of these immunizations, I think about my responsibility to educate people on this. More importantly, I think about how Jesus said " to whom much is given, much is required" Luke 12:48.  To me, this is applied by recognizing that I have great access to not only healthcare, but also an understanding that what I do with my understanding is a responsibility and privilege God gives me.

As far as I am concerned, what we do in healthcare is 'information therapy'. Clinicians pass on the information and best practices advice, and what we all do with that input is up to each of us and our families.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Tips for Sleeping Better

Sleep Tip:

  • Fix a bedtime and an awakening time, Avoid napping during the day.
  • Avoid alcohol 4-6 hours before bedtime, Avoid caffeine 4-6 hours before bedtime.,avoid heavy, spicy, or sugary foods 4-6 hours before bedtime,Exercise regularly, but not right before bed.
On this Monday morning, I wanted to write this blog for those of you that have difficult sleeping. In this fast paced society, insomnia has become a chronic condition. The problem is that many don't realize that there are simple tips that can be followed to help your mind ease into sleep.

The tips above have been shown to be effective to help with sleep, and oftentimes more effectively than medication. So, as you can set the 'mood' for sleep, your mind is better able to fall into the restful sleep.

Sleep is the one nonnegotiable in our lives, that we must really protect in order to be healthy emotionally and physically. I hope that you find these tips helpful.

One thing we can all be sure of is that we have a God who cares about every concern we have , and as we cast our cares on Him, we can pursue that peace that passes understanding!

Here's to good rest for everyone!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Stages Of Grief/Loss


In times of loss, we often go through stages as we face the pain. Studies have shown that most of us go through about five to seven stages as we face emotional loss: shock/denial, pain/guilt, anger/bargaining, depression, upward turn, and reconstruction followed by acceptance/hope.

Working in healthcare, I never cease to be amazed at the suffering around me. Yesterday in the clinic I saw a woman whose grandson had just been killed in a car accident, a father who had just donated his kidney so that his son could live, and a high school junior whose mother had died suddenly of aggresive cancer.

Faced with such constant grief, it is difficult at times to point people towards hope. But, today, I wanted to write this blog for all those of you who are also facing pain/loss at this time. Although pain is a natural part of life, being patient with ourselves and others is the key to facing pain. Also, it is pivotal to understand that facing pain is a process, which often starts with shock and denial.

As a Christian nurse practitioner, I want to point people to the hope that can be found in Christ in the midst of suffering. While we know there is no way to avoid the pain that accompanies this life, there is a way to find hope in the middle of it. It is a mystery that I have seen lived out in the lives of many patients, but, suffering produces hope in a way that is not possible otherwise. I see the truth of Scripture lived out in the lives of the people I care for everyday ( 1James 1:2).

I hope that in some way you may be encouraged to know that no matter what you may be facing today you can be certain that God's never left you. I hope that you will take comfort in the fact that facing grief is a process that we all must walk through, at our own pace. Hopefully, this will help us all be more patient with one another as we face the day to day challenges and joys of this life!

Ps.- If you have a certain health issue you would like to see addressed in this blog, please email me on facebook or

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

What do I do for pain?

Health Tip: Basically, there are two types of pain: long term (such as low back pain) and brief ( burns, sprains, fractures, injuries, etc). For acute/brief pain, ibuprofen and prescriptions medications are needed. Ibuprofen is an effective over the counter pain relief for mild to moderate acute pain. For chronic pain, evidence continues to rise for the efficacy of massage, physical therapy, and other alternative therapies.

In the US, complaints of pain are one of the main reasons people go to doctors. In fact, it ranks in the top five reasons. And yet, unless the pain is related to an injury or a disease process, oftentimes we are left with no answers after all the tests are done. Low back pain is a perfect example of this problem. Back pain is an ongoing problem for many people.

As clinicians, whenever we see someone for back pain, we try to be prepared for the possibility that we will end up with no answers. The stastics for back pain are astounding, something like 50-70% are musculoskeletal. Often that means there's a sprain and nothing else. That is why pain clinics are popping up in so many hospitals/clinics in the US. An important point is that prescriptions that are often given to people to relieve their pain often causes dependency. Ibuprofen is a great pain reliever, and works fast to bring down fever, but, even that in the long term  can tax your kidneys.

So, once the verdict is out, and pain is going to be a long term problem, seeking out options beyond prescriptions are often best. For example, massages have been shown to help relieve pain and are a great option for that person in long term pain...

It saddens me to see how many have to learn to live with pain as a part of their daily life. God designed our bodies to feel pain to protect us from danger, but, when that system goes faulty, it is difficult to find reprieve from this. And yet, I have met so many people over the years who have endeavored relentlessly to find relief, and eventually find pain relief through something that works for them. What works for some, doesn't work for others, but, the truth is that more and more options are arising to help people with chronic pain.

In concluding, I think of the pain I felt when I was hit by a car in March, 2005. When I awoke in a daze on the side of the road, the pain in my leg jolted me to reality. Once I realized what happend, I wondered if was dying on the side of the road. In those moments I could almost hear Paul's words in Romans 8:18 " I do not consider our present suffering worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us" . Once again, the pain Jesus faced on the cross gave me renewed hope in my own journey.

When I think of the pain that we all must face in some manner or another in this life, I take comfort in the fact that Jesus willingly subjected himself to pain for me. While we know that we will have pain in this life, the promise that Jesus' pain set us free to live eternally with Him truly puts perspective in the pain- whatever our story may be.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Cranberry juice magic

Health Tip:

Cranberry juice has been shown both to prevent and help treat infections of the urinary system. A glass a day keeps the doctor away;-)!

We often hear of wives tales that advocate for one herb or another, and yet, its hard to know what is or isn't scientifically proven ( or, as we say in healthcare 'evidence based'). Anyway, I have been continually surprised at the evidence that mounts up to show the wonders of cranberry juice. So, whether you like it or not, it may be a good idea to drink it periodically;-)

Speaking of natural cures, one of the challenges of modern medicine is learning how to integrate alternative medicine in our day to day practices. Many medical schools are actually starting to include rotations in alternative medicine. The reason that such controversy exists is because evidence based medicine is based on what works in studies, or large sample groups. And, we all know that what may work for you, might not work for me.. Thus, the emergence of alternative medicine. But, how do we validate what does and doesn't work, in order to advise people accordingly? The truth is that we can't. As clinicians we can tell you what works for large groups of people according to controlled studies, but, not whether it will or won't work for you. And so, I always tell people that if they find solutions in alternative therapies, that's great.. and who knows, maybe one day some of these therapies will be validated in large group studies- like good ole cranberry juice. I mean, come on, didn't everyone's Grandma tell them of the wonders of this juice?

 I think about how often the Bible gives practical insights into our physical health. Much of what is recorded as health hygiene principals in the Old Testament, is now considered modern day medicine. In fact, hand washing is considered the single best thing we can do to prevent disease. Such preventive measures are taught all throughout the Bible.

One of my favorite things to ask elderly patients is what they think the secret is to living a long healthy life. Inevitably, the answer I get is " Live out the choices you know to be right- everyday"

So, here's to protecting your health today- one choice at a time!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Exercise and Endorphins and Endurance

Health Tip:

When you exercise your body naturally releases endorphins, which give a feeling of well being. This is where the term 'runners high' originates. Antidepressants contain synthetic forms of the endorphins naturally released in exercise.

I am constantly amazed on the value of exercise for our overall health. When I first started running I remember enjoying the feeling I would get of complete relaxation after the run. In nursing school I learned that this was related to endorphins my body was releasing. The more I learned about it, the more I was fascinated to discover that God has hard wired our bodies to have a natural stress relief in exercise.

In caring for people who are limited in how they can exercise due to health conditions, I work with them to find an exercise that does work for them. Water exercise is usually a cure all for many people. Although it is difficult to get started with exercise, in about 2-3 weeks we can develop a habit that 'sticks'.

I often think that the apostle Paul, who wrote most of the New Testament, must have been a runner. There are so many references to running, and my favorite is the challenge to run with perseverance the race God has set before us.. ! What a challenge.

In closing this blog, I think about the spiritual endurance required in this life to persevere in our faith above all else. Like exercise, our faith is a discipline that we must pursue. For me, I have found great inspiration in the testimony of my grandfather's faith. He dedicated his life to take the gospel to a remote village in the Amazon. God used Grandpas life and there are many churches in that village now. Not only that, but, they have schools and clinics thanks to my grandparents perseverance. They faced hepatitis, malaria, and threats to their safety in order to endure in what God called them to do.

Today marks a year that my Grandfather died. I want to continue in the example he set, to persevere in all that God calls me to, making my faith the most important aspect of my life.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Is it healthy to count calories or carbohydrates?

Health Tip:

  • For the best weight results, watching calorie intact is important as well as monitoring how much of the calories are carbohydrates. The average American diet is about 80% carbohydrates! The average  breakdown should be:
  • Fat: 20 - 35% of total calories (average 30%)
  • Protein: 10 – 35% (average 15%)
  • Carbohydrates: 45 – 65% (average 55%)
One of the most important aspects of looking at our diet is recognizing the balance in what we eat. In the American fast paced society, most of what we grab to eat is carbohydrates. Cookies, crackers, chips, sandwiches, etc, are the essence of the diet on the run. That’s why there’s been such a focus on high protein diets recently, mostly because we are all eating too much ‘quick sugars’. Actually, that’s another reason diabetes is on the rise, because excessive carbohydrates actually make our pancreas have to work harder.
So much of life is about balance and moderation. The truth is that if you are on a diet that is focused on excess in one area, than it’s probably not a healthy long term solution. Eating a well balanced diet is the best answer for our overall health. Sometimes keeping a mental tally, or a food journal helps us know what we are consuming each day ( you may be surprised) and can be a great tool for healthier eating.
No matter where we live or what our culture determines about our diet, being informed about our own habits is the best way to protect our own nutrition. Recognizing that God provides the perfect balance of foods that we need in the world around us is truly an affirmation of His care.  I think about the indigenous groups of Brazil, and how their diets consist of fish, wild game, berries, and manioc (a potato like root). These diets are impeccable in their nutritional value. God’s provision for us is all around us, and being informed is the best way to jump start our bodies towards health!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

What Should I Weigh?

Health Tip:

Body Mass Index ( BMI), is the quickest and easiest way to determine what your weight should be. It is a range used by healthcare providers to determine what we should weigh based on our height. The formula is used by the American Diabetes Association, and can be found at:

It seems that everyone has a different ideal or idea of what their weight should be. Is anyone ever really happy with their weight? Clinically, I have found that people are often set on a certain number, often a random ideal that they have set up for themselves. As we consider what an epidemic obesity is in the US, I have found it very helpful to use the BMI chart to give people an idea of the range their weight should be. For example, 20-25 is the ideal, and over 30 is considered obese. This is a range that has been shown by research to be the healthiest for a person based on their height. It is a formula that works well to protect our overall health. In fact, the BMI is often used like a vital sign to determine a person's overall health in many clinics. Most people find it a lot less intimidating than the random weight number they've dreamed up in their mind.

I think the most important point when considering our weight is to realize that this is an area we can have an active part in protecting. Most chronic diseases today are correlated with excessive weight. Did you know that simply walking 20 minutes a day can have immense effects on your heart health? In fact, weight aside, research by the American Heart Association (AHA) that there is a 'fat fit' person, who although their weight may be in the overweight  section, their daily exercise compensates for that- even if the weight doesn't come down quick or enough.

I am so inspired by my patients to stay in shape to the best of my ability. In concluding, I want to tell you the story of Martha. When Martha was diagnosed with cancer, she didn't let that stop her from getting outside everyday for her walk. She always told me that not only the exercise, but, the daily fresh air kept her going, even through the chemotherapy treatment. Martha lived for year after she was diagnosed with cancer. She walked up to the last month of her life, and her zeal had inspired many in her life to start walking too. In her frequent visits to the office she reminded me that she knew her purpose in this life. While she lived her life to the fullest, she also knew how to keep her eyes anchored in the unseen world of HOPE.   Martha's life lived out the truth of 2 Cor 4 " we fix our eyes on what is unseen, for what is seen is temporary, but, what is unseen is eternal."

As we consider the many struggles that come our way everyday to keep healthy emotionally, physically, and spiritually , I pray you may be encouraged by Martha's story and others like her- to forge ahead in the daily discipline of life, with hope in Christ as our guide!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Vitamin D fights depression!

Health Tip:

Vitamin D has many helpful uses for your health, and has recently been found to help combat and prevent the symptoms of depression.

 Deficiencies in Vitamin D can especially be seen in the Winter months, and many people struggle with Seasonal Affective Disorder ( SAD), a ‘nice’ word for depression. It makes sense then that supplementing your diet with Vitamin D can help combat the depression that often comes in the Winter.
Depression is one of the most common problems we see in primary care. Many people don’t realize that their ongoing tiredness is often a result of depression. And yet, its one of those conditions that is often so difficult to understand and treat.

I have noticed though that for many people taking Vitamin D makes a difference in their day to day energy level. Not only that, but, it helps protect against osteoporosis and other conditions. The need for Vitamin D supplementation to our diets is agreed upon most fields of medicine.. So, if you are walking down the grocery aisle this week and can pick up some supplements, Go for it!

Recognizing that being depressed is not a sign of failure is difficult for many people. I think dealing with depression at one time or another is just part of life!. Knowing what triggers our moods and energy level is important for each of us to stay mentally energized.

As I think about depression, I think about the power of prayer in our day to day lives. Research continues to validate the power of prayer to help people combat symptoms of depression, and other medical conditions.  When I think about this, I often have the mental image of my little niece, Abby. She loves to pray outloud, and her sheer joy for prayer spreads to anyone that will join her. Its as if at the age of four she already knows that giving her troubles over to God sets her free from her worries! In fact, if you ask Abby why God made her she will shout “ FOR HIS GLORY!” What a great way to face the day to day joys and struggles, knowing that our days have an eternal purpose.. Like Abby, this will give us the courage to shout this truth no matter what our days may hold!

Friday, September 30, 2011

How do I know when I need a physical?

Health Tip:

The screening tests that are recommended for each age group can be found on the National Institute of Health's website. Although the recommendations for screening can often vary from one doctor to the next, the NIH is considered the absolute, unbiased medical authority on screening for diabetes, cancers, and high blood pressure.

I am often amazed at how many of the medical conditions we face today can be prevented through screening. And yet, there seems to be a lot of confusion as to what tests we should have, and when. For example, did you know as women we only need to have female exams every 2-3 years if all is normal? Or that we should all have cholesterol screening yearly? Or that everyone should have a colonoscopy at age 50? In fact, colon cancer is almost always preventable if we had the appropriate screening. The problem is that many people don't see the value of going to a doctor unless they are sick... it's like the idea is that doctors are there for sick people. But, the more we understand about the body, and the longer we live, the clearer it becomes that screening is the most important thing we can do to protect our health. The absolute authority on what tests we should do is found at :

One of the saddest things I have found in working in healthcare is that many people don't realize how important it is to protect their health, and often don't come to the clinic until they are having heart disease symptoms..or, their blood pressure or diabetes is causing symptoms. This usually is enough to change their attitude about screening.

George came to the office many years ago with complaints of back pain. It didn't take long to realize that he had uncontrolled blood pressure, high cholesterol, and a mass on his abdomen. He was hospitalized immediately and found to have kidney failure, diabetes, amongst other things. It wasn't until all these conditions were controlled that his back pain could even be evaluated. Thankfully, everything was still treatable, and he was sent home weeks later. After that experience,  George became the biggest advocate for screening tests. I can almost still hear him telling all the patients in the waiting room how important it is to get their screening tests.

It makes sense that we must protect and be proactive in caring for this body that God has given us. As Christians, we understand that this body is a temple that God indwells ( 1 Cor 6:19). While we have pain, tears, and illness in this life, we know that one day we will be given perfect bodies- but, until then, we are challenged to treasure this body and care for it, knowing that it is God's gift to us!.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

How do I know when my child needs antibiotics?

Health Tip:

Most of the time it is difficult to tell the difference between a virus and a bacteria. In general, the first few years of childhood, children spend developing their immune systems. Most of the time they are contracting viruses that their body can combat alone. One key tip is if the fever is low grade (100-102) it can indicate virus. This means, keep your child hydrated ( DRINK, DRINK, DRINK) and you are probably safe to watch and wait a few days. Most viruses are 3-5 days in duration.

I realize in writing this blog I may seem redundant in what I say as a nurse practitioner. The value of hydration can never be overestimated, especially as we raise little ones. Often what causes complications in children's illnesses is that they refuse or don't act interested in drinking when they are sick. Because of this, viruses develop into secondary infections ( ear infections, lung infections, sinus infections, etc).  Keeping that sippy cup full of electrolyte rich liquids is pivotal as your child builds his/her immunity.

I often think about how different it feels when my child is the one who is sick. Everyday I tell mothers that after examining their child I think it is probably a virus, and they should keep their child hydrated and rested. And yet, we all want a prescription to get better. When I see my son has been coughing for days, I lose my patience and want a prescription. I almost giggle thinking how I must take my own advice and watch and wait for him to fight off the virus on his own.

This week I saw a little boy, Tony, in the clinic who had severe speech disabilties. He also had trouble sitting still, and I think he covered every spot in the exam room as I followed him around to look in his ears, nose and throat. His mother responded with such patience and love as she held him for me to give him his flu shot. While Tony made loud noises to communicate, they seemed to understand one another, and she was able to calm him. I was amazed by it all, as she rocked her baby in the stroller at the same time!

As I think about Tony and his mother, it seems that no matter what we do in life , the hardest thing God asks of us is patience. I think of Tony's mother and her patience with Tony. I think of the mothers I care for everyday and the difficulty of being patient in waiting for their children to improve. And, of course, I think of myself and how hard it is for me to just wait for my son's cough to go away.

Love is patient. It's as simple, and as difficult as that. To love means to wait on the people we love. Whether that's careful watchful waiting as our child's immune system fights off a cold, or waiting as we hold a child who cannot communicate with words, or waiting for someone whose going through a difficult time- patience is something we are all called to persevere in together!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Tips to Combat Viruses

Tips to Combat Viruses:

Drinking electrolyte rich liquids ( such as gatorade, orange juice, apple juice) is the best way to treat upper respiratory viruses/colds. It also helps with treating bladder infections and dehydration.

One of the best kept secrets in healthcare seems to be the value of electrolyte liquids. Drinks such as gatorade and pedialyte are practically just oral IVs. The value of these type of drinks cannot be underestimated.

Everyday I treat young children who are dehydrated and develop more severe infections from the common cold because they are not hydrated. The important point is that water is not good enough. Electrolytes help your body hold on water, so, when you are sick you need these type of fluids.

Sometimes the most simple treatments are the best, and to combat simple viruses, I often tell people you can practically 'wash' them away by keeping liquids going. That's better than over the counter relief or even humidifiers.. So, heres to a good glass of lemonade to stay healthy !

Friday, September 23, 2011

Tips for this Cold/Flu season

Health Tip:

Besides immunization against the flu, the best things you can do to protect your family against colds/flu virus is to : encourage handwashing ( this has been shown to reduce disease transmission by 80%!), stay hydrated with drinks like: gatorade, orange juice, apple juice, and change a toothbrush when someone's had a flu/cold/strep. 

As flu season approaches, I always brace myself for the worst. Over the past 4 years of living in the US, I have come to realize that the symptoms of the flu are truly as bad as malaria. In the clinic where I work, our volume of sick visits triples between October- March. Almost every other person that walks in the door has a fever of over 102.

I want to use this blog to educate you on the value of being prepared for this public health threat in the US- and internationally. As the weather changes, remember to protect your family against the viruses that come as we all stay in more closed in spaces. The value of keeping that hand sanitizer close to you cannot be underestimated!

Last year I took care of a family that developed the flu so violently 2 out of the 5 members of the family had to be hospitalized. This year, they were the first to come in and get their flu shots. So much of healthcare is being proactive, and not reactive about our health. Do what you can to PROTECT your health- this is truly the focus of healthcare today and has the best long term effects.

I end with the story of a ten year old boy named Aaron ( name changed for privacy). Aaron accompanied his sister and brother for their flu shots last year. As his sister cried with fear of the shot, Aaron teased her. He teased his sister for being frightened of one little needle.Oddly, his teasing didn't seem to annoy his brother or sister. As I finished up the shots and they walked out of the clinic, Aaron's mother whispered a thank you in my ear. She told me that Aaron had been diagnosed with a terminal brain cancer and had spent the past few months in the hospital. He had grown accustomed to needles. They had all come today to get their flu shot to protect Aaron from the flu. She proceeded to tell me that she had not seen Aaron smile so much as he did today, as he 'coached' his siblings through the process of shots. It was then that I noticed that Aaron had no hair ( a side effect from his chemotherapy), and wore a cap on his head. I thanked them for coming, and watched as they all walked towards their car- hand in hand.

Aaron's story reminded me of how wrong first impressions can be. I also thought about how when we protect our health we are protecting those around us as well.

So, here's to a healthy flu season- let's all be proactive to promote our health!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Tips for Weight loss

Health Tip:

Having a support group for weight loss efforts is the most effective way to maintain weight loss.

One of the most important health issues facing societies today is the struggle of weight loss and weight maintenance. Weight is a struggle for most people at some point in life. As a clinician, I constantly see the effect of weight gain and a person's overall health. In fact, it is truly an epidemic in the US today.

One of the most fascinating facts about weight loss is that most of us lose weight most effectively if we are surrounded by a support group that can hold us accountable. Evidence continually substantiates that programs such as Weight Watchers have a long lasting effective mostly because of the focus on support groups.

This is a scriptural principle that we see played out in our lives on a personal, spiritual, and physical level. We are encouraged as the Body of Christ to stand beside each other. This is a difficult principle for many who are independent and prefer to 'go it alone'. Both scientific evidence and Scripture confirm our need for one another to live health lives: emotionally and spiritually!

If you are thinking of losing weight, have you thought of a group you could join, or friends that may want to lose weight with you?

I close with the story of Carl. Carl was diagnosed with heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure. He was told he needed to lose over 100 pounds. Unsure how he could even begin such a task, he started on a journey of walking everyday- inspired by the people in the neighborhood that were already walking daily. Two years later, Carl has lost 100 pounds just through walking daily- he says knowing that his neighbors will be out and about is what keeps him walking every morning at 6 am.

Carl's story is proof of how much others can motivate us- no matter how informal the group may be!.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Improving Short Term Memory

Health Tip: Repetition/Routine helps develop your 'motor memory' which decreases the stress of many of the day to day activities.

Its hard to accept the fact that most of us are losing are short term memory as we age.. Like the rest of our bodies, our mind's age with us. If you're anything like me, it's hard to accept that you forget where you left the keys, or the main item you needed at the grocery store, or even what your children's activities are for the week.  One of the ways we can help our short term memory is to develop routines. Simple routines, such as where to place the car keys when you walk in the house, help establish what's called motor memory. Basically, motor memory is like riding a bike- your mind just reflexively knows what to do thanks on the repetition and training. So the more habits you create, the less you are taxing your short term memory.

A long time favorite passage of mine is in 2 Corinthians 4:16 which reminds us that although we are wasting away outwardly ( we all know how this feels !), we are continually being renewed in our Spirit. Basically, no matter what is happening to our bodies, we can age with JOY.. with PEACE..and with confidence.. Because we know that we are not defined by this body. Our souls are being renewed.. and one day will be completely restored to our Creator!

I cannot tell you how many times I have seen that age is an attitude.. when you feel old, you will act old.. On that note, I wanted to add a cute clip from youtube that my son shared with me. This elderly couples' fun loving attitude about new technology inspired me. The vitality and youth of their souls transcends the aging of their bodies! I hope this clip will give you a giggle too!!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Kris Kues

Health Tip:

To help combat sleep difficulties, don't read, eat, or work in your bed. This helps protect your sleep, both for falling and staying asleep.

I hope you're having a good weekend. Weekends are such a wonderful time to refocus and set priorities for the week. For me, I always look forward to relaxing and enjoying my three men. Being outnumbered by two teenage boys and a wonderful husband has its benefits , as I am often spoiled like a Queen!

A huge discouragement for me recently has come as I have started struggling with sleep. For much of my career as a nurse practitioner I have heard people talking about their difficulties with falling asleep, or staying asleep. I remember being puzzled at how many people have this health issue.. Well, now its my turn! So... I guess now's when I get to put into practice what Ive told people for years.. The concept of sleep hygiene. If you look it up online, you will see that sleep hygiene is basically a way for us to train our minds to 'go to sleep'.. Who would've thought wed need help with that? Well, its part of living in a fast paced society, with constant stimulous around us. The basic idea is that we must not bring our work to bed ( as I type in bed.. sigh.. ;-) Anyway, it really does work, it just takes a few weeks to change our sleep habits...

For many of us, we struggle with sleep because we also struggle with the 'demon' of anxiety.. Our minds are racing... worrying.. I love how many times God addresses anxiety in the Bible.. and for me.. the one I cling to is " He will keep in PERFECT peace him whose mind is steadfast on you".. Resting in God's control is really the only place for perfect peace...

On that note, I leave you with the story of Henry ( name changed for privacy). Henry was an elderly man who had been married for over 50 years. The last year of his marriage his wife was diagnosed with a lung disease that was terminal. Rather than keep his wife in the hospital, Henry brought the hospital to his wife. Her bedroom was full of tubes and machines. And yet, it had always been her wish to die at home. A year after her diagnosis, Henry's wife breathed her last in her own bedroom, laying in Henry's arms.. as he held her close he says he felt a peace that passes understanding, knowing that in that moment his wife was cured.

Now that's the kind of peace I want to live my life with.. the kind that comes from certainty of knowing who holds my every breath, from sleeping to waking!.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Health Tip for Brain health!

Health Tip:

Always trying to learn something new helps prevent Alzheimers and protects cognitive function!

Did you know that God made our minds with a need to be exercised? Well, maybe when we are in grade school, in high school, and even on into college- we realize this is a task we must conquer. And yet, some studies are showing that are minds begin to atrophy ( nice way of saying "shrivel up") when we stop learning. It seems when we get comfortable in our adult lives that we shouldn't get too comfortable.. For example, trying to learn something new is pivotal to our brain's overall health. How about picking up an instrument? How about learning a new language- well, trying anyway? Hmm.. I can hear the expression " You can't teach an old dog new tricks".. and yet, that's exactly what the old dog needs. It's been shown to prevent Alzheimers! Even something as simple learning to write with the other hand.. Hmmm

As I consider this challenge, I think about how as Christians we know everything we do is really for God's glory. I remember in grade school when I didn't feel like studying my best friend would quote 2 TImothy 2:15.. .. Study to show ourselves approved unto God.. I can almost hear her telling me that today .. And so, I pass this on to you.. 

You'll have to humor me, but, my special area of focus as a clinician is geriatrics. A lot of my training has focused on learning what happens to us as we age... And one thing that I am constantly amazed by is how much of what the Bible teaches about basic health principles is confirmed in healthcare through evidence .. Love it!
Hats off to learning something new!

Friday, September 16, 2011

September 16th- Fall and Dump Trucks

It's a beautiful, cool morning here in Charlotte. I love the Fall. I remember as a child reading about the Fall and seeing pictures of the beautiful leaves. Living in the jungle, it was hard to imagine what it was really like to experience seasons. Growing up in the jungle,  the weather is practically the same everyday of the year ( somedays it rains, somedays it doesn't), I am learning to LOVE seasons! How can Fall not be everyone's favorite? But, like all things in life, this morning I was reminded that perspective is everything....

As I went out for my morning jogg, I felt so envigorated by the cool air engulfing me.. I definitely had an extra bounce in my step.. The breeze, the color of the leaves, the cool air.. ahh.

And then, out of a nowhere, a horrific stench took over my little world. It was everywhere! I looked all around me to see where it was coming from.. Had a run into a garbage ditch? Sure enough,  it didn't take long to see that the smell was coming from a huge dump truck driving through the neighborhood. The bounce in my step was gone, and I found myself turning around, trying desperately to get away from the smell. How quickly my attitude had changed. I couldn't help but giggle. It seemed the contrast of the Fall air and the dump truck were such a real picture of life.. I had a choice.. I could continue to appreciate the crisp, cool, air ( while plugging my nose).. or, I could just let the dumptrucks wonderful smells change my whole attitude. In that moment, I remembered a patient I had seen only a few weeks earlier. She had a smile and joy about her that was contagious. . She had come to the office to get medicine for the sores all over her body, that were related to her chemotherapy. She was only 58 years old, and had been given 6 months to live. When I asked her how she kept such a good attitude, she was quick to tell me that life was all about attitude. She had chosen joy despite her circumstances. The gleam that came from her eye- was contagious.  It was as if she had chosen to jogg right on through the horrific stench of the dumptruck. Nothing was going to stop her enjoying each day of life! I thought about the stench the dump truck was spreading - very rapidly- and how it reminded me of sin.. of pain, and heartache.. But, the Fall was still around me. I had a choice to make, so.. I took a deep breath, held my nose for a few seconds.. and ran through the great green mist! ha

From a healthcare perspective, there is truly a lot of evidence that a good attitude helps people combat illness more effectively. In fact, studies continually show that people who pray have better control over their blood pressure and other chronic health conditions. Scientists explain it by saying that people who pray are letting off stress and steam.

I know as a Christian, that the desire to control what happens to me will always rage war against my faith and trust in God's plan. Last night I saw a beautiful sign with the verse " Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desire of your heart." To me, that means that only by letting go of my doubt can I truly be free to enjoy life.. I want to choose trust.. I want to choose hope.. and I want to choose to keep jogging- even if does mean plowing through a great green cloud of stench!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Hello everyone!!

I am so excited to start a blog to encourage,and hopefully provide health tips and inspiring stories. 

I wanted to start my blog by saying that its a NEW day! Yes, its obvious when we wake up in the morning that a new day has begun. And yet, let's seize this day! What are you going to do today that you've been putting off? For me, I plan on going on a long walk and talking to God audibly. There's something powerful about talking to God audibly- even if people think you're nuts talking to yourself;-)

To encourage you in your day, I wanted to share a story with you about a patient I saw this week (I hope to share these types of stories often):

Its the season of flu shots, and I have been giving out about 20 a day (have you gotten yours? Getting the flu is truly worse than malaria from what I've observed!). Anyway, I had an 83 year old woman, whom I will call Edna, come for her flu shot. Because she couldn't figure out how to use the computer to sign in, I walked her in to the clinic and had her sign the paperwork. As we talked, I noticed her tattered shoes and purse. I thought about how most of my elderly patients live on next to nothing and wondered if she had any support from family.  I learned quickly with Edna that first impressions are so often incorrect. I had asked her if her insurance paid for her flu shot, and she quickly replied that while she thought they did, it didn't matter. With a smile on her face she said "Money is not a concern for me, honey". Of course, I assumed she was just joking or being sarcastic. I was wrong.  She proceeded to tell me that she lived in the area her whole life, and therefore had inherited much of the land south of Charlotte, in a rapidly developing region. She said that she still lives in the same humble home her family has owned for decades. And then, she really surprised me. She proceeded to tell me that her whole life she had wanted to go to college, and was unable to do so as her and her husband were poor farmers. Because of this, in her old age she had decided to use her money to send young people to college who had no means. She grinned from ear to ear as she said this to me.

After I gave her her flu shot, she shuffled to her feet, and slowly placed her purse back on her shoulder. With a sparkle in her eye she said to me "Honey, just remember that you never know how God is preparing you each day for his purposes. He will always make the best out of our lives, if we just let Him".

As I watched her walk down the aisle towards the door, I thought about how mistaken I had been about her humble means. She challenged me that day to remember how WONDERFUL that only God knows my story- beginning to end. What happens to me today may seem like it has no purpose, and yet.. could be the very thing He will use one day to bless others. 

I think about the well known verse in Jeremiah 29:11.. He has a purpose for each of us.. Whether we see the full picture or not.. we can choose to trust and hope in this promise!