Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Health Tip: Be cautious about taking acetaminophen, or Tylenol, on a regular basis. Acetaminophen overdosing is becoming a problem internationally, as over 600+ drugs contain acetaminophen in them. You may not be aware that your prescription or over the counter drug contains acetaminophen, so read labels carefully.

Being a member of the Union County Health board, I often hear of the health concerns for our community here in NC. Recently we have been discussing the increased incidence of Tylenol/acetaminophen overdosing and the concerns around this drug. There are many sad stories of parents unaware that  over the counter and prescription medications combine to create a toxic load to the liver. This is becoming a national concern, and I wanted to be sure and pass this information on to all of you..

Over the counter medicines (OTCs) may seem harmless, but, once you start taking more than one regularly ( i.e, Theraflu and tylenol) you may be overdosing yourself without realizing it. The statistics on this continue to rise. I think we must all go back to reading labels more carefully.

Having lived overseas for many years, I always read the medication labels very carefully, as much of the medicines ( prescription and over the counter), were unfamiliar to me. Somehow I got lazy on this since weve moved to NC, as medications are so easily accessible--and the labels appeal to immediate relief of coughs, colds, and flu symptoms. . The FDA is investigating the best way to address this concern, as so many drugs contain acetaminophen.

In the meanwhile, I hope this tip will help you, like me, be attentive to the labels on those OTC meds, and be sure you are not double dosing with anything. Here's to protecting our health!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Obesity epidemic in Children

Health Tip: More than twice as many children are overweight now than three decades ago. The problem with being overweight is more than just size; it puts kids at risk for developing chronic illnesses like heart disease, diabetes, and asthma. All parents want their child to be as healthy as possible, but many wonder where to start.

One of the most pressing  health concerns I am seeing is the epidemic of obesity. Even more alarming though, is the fact that this obesity is rising in children. Our children are paying the price for the diet and sedentary lifestyle that we are living as Americans. As mentioned above, according to the National Health Institute, the numbers have practically doubled of obesity in children. So, all this means is that we are seeing diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol in children now as well.

The good news is that this is something we can all prevent and treat in our home. Staying active and healthy are choices that we can help our children make everyday. While the diet that face our children everyday may not be the best choice, we can make those choices in our home. There are also wonderful programs that can help families as well. A new national education program called We Can!Ways to Enhance Children’s Activities and Nutrition—provides guidance for parents, caregivers, teachers and others who want to help children ages 8-13 maintain a healthy weight.

Of course I know that I am 'preaching to the choir' when I discuss this issue. Since our family moved from Brazil, I have struggled in maintaining a healthy diet that does not consist mostly of processed foods. When you have the options of boxed foods such as mac n cheese , it is challenging to pick the foods that are more time consuming to make. And often these foods cost more as well.

All that being said,I want to leave you with this encouragement. Studies show that more than anything our children will model our eating and exercise habits. As scary as this can be, it can also empower each of us to know that when we are taking care of our individual health we are also taking care of the health of our family. I guess the old adage " do as I say and not as I do" proves to be untrue in raising children. They will do as we do. No surprise there;-)

For me, when I think about raising up a child in the way he should go ( prov22:6), I am challenged to consider the importance of living my own life as the best example. The honor and privilege of raising kids is something none of us would deny, and I hope today's blog helps you take a mental note of the importance of making healthy choices for your children and family--starting with yourself.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

What's wrong with caffeine?

Health Tip:  While controversy over the benefits of caffeine remain, it is important to recognize that large amounts of caffeine daily can create dependence, headaches, sleep difficulties, and a host of other health problems. A cup of coffee a day is all the caffeine we should have to maintain optimal health.

My recent trip to the doctor for a well check up was a wake up call for me. My doctor reminded me of the importance of limiting my caffeine intake to help my sleep. I had convinced myself that the caffeine that I drank throughout the day had worked it's way through my system by nighttime. So, I indulged myself in tea, sodas.. and well, a few extra cup of coffee daily. My physician got me thinking about the impact caffeine plays on our day to day lives.

Caffeine has been shown to help us focus. It does create a temporary energy surge, which often gets us through the day. But, that being said, more than a cup of day ( around 200 mg of caffeine), begins to create a dependence. Studies show that it takes about 6-8 hours for caffeine to work through our system. So, that extra glass of ice tea, or coffee at lunch may be whats keepin you up at night. As we get older, our bodies become even more sensitive to caffeine. The best way to think about it is that caffeine and nicotine are 'cousins'. Basically, they are both stimulants. So, for those of us who drink too much caffeine, our bodies become addicted to that stimulant, and thus begins the vicious cycle.

Once again, like everything else in life, it seems that moderation is the key that guides us. Caffeine is not the enemy. A cup in the morning is probably what each of us needs to stimulate our nervous system to get up and go.. But, start drinking more of it throughout the day and it can and will hinder your sleep habits, your moods, and even cause dependence.

I love to think how much self discipline plays a role in our day to day health. From our minds, to our bodies, to our souls.. God requires a daily self discipline for us to experience full health. As I type this to you, I am committing myself to decrease my caffeine intake. As a christian,  I know that the fruit of the Spirit of God in me produces self discipline ( Gal 5:22, 23). SO, in essence- I just have to rely on His strength to help me change my behavior on this- one day at a time!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

I cant remember where I put the keys

Health Tip: There's a difference between mild memory lapse and serious memory problems. One way to know if your memory problem needs more attention is whether it is interfering with your everyday tasks or if the people in your life are concerned by it.

None of us can age without memory lapses. It is a given part of life and a very natural part of aging. It may take longer to learn new things, remember certain words, find our keys,  or find our glasses. These changes are often signs of mild forgetfulness, not serious memory problems. But, how do we know if this memory loss is natural and normal " cognitive decline" or if its turning into more serious.

An important distinction of serious mermory loss is that people start to forget where they are, lost in familar places, and start asking the same questions over and over again. This is a sign of a disease process and not normal memory loss. A great tool that is used regularly to determine how a person's memory is doing can be found at  :

Getting older without losing our memory as we go would be unusual. Memory loss is as natural as wrinkles when it comes to aging. It is just a matter of realizing when it needs to followup for more serious concerns. Being confident of our own health, and recognizing what is natural and what may not be, is the key to being informed in our healthcare.