Monday, January 16, 2012

Wait on Weight

Health Tip: The best way to ensure weight loss is maintained is to lose weight slowly. Some studies show about a pound or two a week is the best for long term weight reduction.

Research has shown time and again that losing weight slowly is the best way to maintain the weight loss. Most studies show that the desire to lose weight quickly is also what leads to diet failure. Many are in a rush to lose those pounds. So, if you have decided you are going to lose weight, remember to work slowly and persevere. And remember to set realistic goals ( a loss of 5 to 10% of body weight is realistic to start)

Due to the Christmas season, it's been awhile since I have sat down to write a blog. I know that one of the concerns on all our minds after the holidays are those extra pounds we may be carrying around. This is a yearly struggle, and yet, remember not to rush yourself in your desire to lose that weight. Nothing will discourage you quicker than trying to lose too quickly. Pace yourself. Set realistic goals. Many weight loss programs are based on exactly this principle- helping people not give up on themselves, taking one week at a time.

As always, health principles correlate with spiritual principles. The idea that we are called to persevere in this race of our faith and life is underlying many scriptural passages. Balancing our goals with our reality, and persevering in those goals is what keeps us all going- one day at a time!

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