Thursday, September 15, 2011

Hello everyone!!

I am so excited to start a blog to encourage,and hopefully provide health tips and inspiring stories. 

I wanted to start my blog by saying that its a NEW day! Yes, its obvious when we wake up in the morning that a new day has begun. And yet, let's seize this day! What are you going to do today that you've been putting off? For me, I plan on going on a long walk and talking to God audibly. There's something powerful about talking to God audibly- even if people think you're nuts talking to yourself;-)

To encourage you in your day, I wanted to share a story with you about a patient I saw this week (I hope to share these types of stories often):

Its the season of flu shots, and I have been giving out about 20 a day (have you gotten yours? Getting the flu is truly worse than malaria from what I've observed!). Anyway, I had an 83 year old woman, whom I will call Edna, come for her flu shot. Because she couldn't figure out how to use the computer to sign in, I walked her in to the clinic and had her sign the paperwork. As we talked, I noticed her tattered shoes and purse. I thought about how most of my elderly patients live on next to nothing and wondered if she had any support from family.  I learned quickly with Edna that first impressions are so often incorrect. I had asked her if her insurance paid for her flu shot, and she quickly replied that while she thought they did, it didn't matter. With a smile on her face she said "Money is not a concern for me, honey". Of course, I assumed she was just joking or being sarcastic. I was wrong.  She proceeded to tell me that she lived in the area her whole life, and therefore had inherited much of the land south of Charlotte, in a rapidly developing region. She said that she still lives in the same humble home her family has owned for decades. And then, she really surprised me. She proceeded to tell me that her whole life she had wanted to go to college, and was unable to do so as her and her husband were poor farmers. Because of this, in her old age she had decided to use her money to send young people to college who had no means. She grinned from ear to ear as she said this to me.

After I gave her her flu shot, she shuffled to her feet, and slowly placed her purse back on her shoulder. With a sparkle in her eye she said to me "Honey, just remember that you never know how God is preparing you each day for his purposes. He will always make the best out of our lives, if we just let Him".

As I watched her walk down the aisle towards the door, I thought about how mistaken I had been about her humble means. She challenged me that day to remember how WONDERFUL that only God knows my story- beginning to end. What happens to me today may seem like it has no purpose, and yet.. could be the very thing He will use one day to bless others. 

I think about the well known verse in Jeremiah 29:11.. He has a purpose for each of us.. Whether we see the full picture or not.. we can choose to trust and hope in this promise!


  1. i love that you have created this blog. YOU are an inspiration. In eternity, i hope to live next door to you :)

  2. What a beautiful Chris! I was thrilled, an example of selflessness and a beautiful life lesson ...

  3. What a wonderful story! Glad I saw your link on FB and came over here to see what you've written. Keep on sharing.
