Monday, October 10, 2011

Cranberry juice magic

Health Tip:

Cranberry juice has been shown both to prevent and help treat infections of the urinary system. A glass a day keeps the doctor away;-)!

We often hear of wives tales that advocate for one herb or another, and yet, its hard to know what is or isn't scientifically proven ( or, as we say in healthcare 'evidence based'). Anyway, I have been continually surprised at the evidence that mounts up to show the wonders of cranberry juice. So, whether you like it or not, it may be a good idea to drink it periodically;-)

Speaking of natural cures, one of the challenges of modern medicine is learning how to integrate alternative medicine in our day to day practices. Many medical schools are actually starting to include rotations in alternative medicine. The reason that such controversy exists is because evidence based medicine is based on what works in studies, or large sample groups. And, we all know that what may work for you, might not work for me.. Thus, the emergence of alternative medicine. But, how do we validate what does and doesn't work, in order to advise people accordingly? The truth is that we can't. As clinicians we can tell you what works for large groups of people according to controlled studies, but, not whether it will or won't work for you. And so, I always tell people that if they find solutions in alternative therapies, that's great.. and who knows, maybe one day some of these therapies will be validated in large group studies- like good ole cranberry juice. I mean, come on, didn't everyone's Grandma tell them of the wonders of this juice?

 I think about how often the Bible gives practical insights into our physical health. Much of what is recorded as health hygiene principals in the Old Testament, is now considered modern day medicine. In fact, hand washing is considered the single best thing we can do to prevent disease. Such preventive measures are taught all throughout the Bible.

One of my favorite things to ask elderly patients is what they think the secret is to living a long healthy life. Inevitably, the answer I get is " Live out the choices you know to be right- everyday"

So, here's to protecting your health today- one choice at a time!

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