Tuesday, October 11, 2011

What do I do for pain?

Health Tip: Basically, there are two types of pain: long term (such as low back pain) and brief ( burns, sprains, fractures, injuries, etc). For acute/brief pain, ibuprofen and prescriptions medications are needed. Ibuprofen is an effective over the counter pain relief for mild to moderate acute pain. For chronic pain, evidence continues to rise for the efficacy of massage, physical therapy, and other alternative therapies.

In the US, complaints of pain are one of the main reasons people go to doctors. In fact, it ranks in the top five reasons. And yet, unless the pain is related to an injury or a disease process, oftentimes we are left with no answers after all the tests are done. Low back pain is a perfect example of this problem. Back pain is an ongoing problem for many people.

As clinicians, whenever we see someone for back pain, we try to be prepared for the possibility that we will end up with no answers. The stastics for back pain are astounding, something like 50-70% are musculoskeletal. Often that means there's a sprain and nothing else. That is why pain clinics are popping up in so many hospitals/clinics in the US. An important point is that prescriptions that are often given to people to relieve their pain often causes dependency. Ibuprofen is a great pain reliever, and works fast to bring down fever, but, even that in the long term  can tax your kidneys.

So, once the verdict is out, and pain is going to be a long term problem, seeking out options beyond prescriptions are often best. For example, massages have been shown to help relieve pain and are a great option for that person in long term pain...

It saddens me to see how many have to learn to live with pain as a part of their daily life. God designed our bodies to feel pain to protect us from danger, but, when that system goes faulty, it is difficult to find reprieve from this. And yet, I have met so many people over the years who have endeavored relentlessly to find relief, and eventually find pain relief through something that works for them. What works for some, doesn't work for others, but, the truth is that more and more options are arising to help people with chronic pain.

In concluding, I think of the pain I felt when I was hit by a car in March, 2005. When I awoke in a daze on the side of the road, the pain in my leg jolted me to reality. Once I realized what happend, I wondered if was dying on the side of the road. In those moments I could almost hear Paul's words in Romans 8:18 " I do not consider our present suffering worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us" . Once again, the pain Jesus faced on the cross gave me renewed hope in my own journey.

When I think of the pain that we all must face in some manner or another in this life, I take comfort in the fact that Jesus willingly subjected himself to pain for me. While we know that we will have pain in this life, the promise that Jesus' pain set us free to live eternally with Him truly puts perspective in the pain- whatever our story may be.

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