Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Yet another sinus infection!

Health Tip:

Nasal saline ( good ole salt water spray/rinse) has been shown to be an effective means to help clear sinus infections. Saline also helps prevents sinus infections if used daily.

Whenever the weather changes it seems like what I do all day is treat sinus infections. Every other person that comes to the clinic comes due to headaches, sinus pressure and drainage. Sinus infections are known for causing pressure in your ears, drainage in your throat, and just a plain 'yuckiness'. They rarely cause fevers..

Although I have never had a sinus infection, listening to people describe them all day I realize they must be pretty distressing. As a pointer to those of you that wonder whether you need an antibiotic for your infection, be aware that the only way to know if antibiotics are really needed is a CAT scan. Obviously this is not possible most of the time, so, the next way for us to know someone needs antibiotics is when the symptoms have gone on for more than a week. Viruses usually run about 3-5 days. When symptoms linger past a week we start to think bacterial and anbiotics are needed.  The one thing that holds true for everyone with symptoms of sinus infection is that nasal saline is very helpful to clear up the discomfort. If that doesn't work, its even more likely you'll need antibiotics.

This week has been a difficult week for me personally. My dear Great Grandmother died, and my mother in law has been suffering with a liver condition. Sometimes in the light of the day to day stresses, I find myself exhausted; as yet another person starts describing a sinus infection, no matter how miserable they may seem. But, as I faced the difficult news and pain of this week, I was reminded  that no matter what our journey may be. God has called us to compassion. Jesus was compassionate to the point of death. Whether the day's journey  simply (or not so simply)consists of a bad sinus infection; or whether it consists of a day of bad news : we can take courage that we have a God that has experienced the struggles we have. He is compassionate and knows our struggles ( hebrews 4:15).

 This envigorates me in weeks like this week, when I have difficulty maintaining the stamina I need to care for the people that come way.  It is my prayer that as I endure in His compassion my patients may persevere in pressing ahead with joy- one day at a time.

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