Thursday, October 13, 2011

Stages Of Grief/Loss


In times of loss, we often go through stages as we face the pain. Studies have shown that most of us go through about five to seven stages as we face emotional loss: shock/denial, pain/guilt, anger/bargaining, depression, upward turn, and reconstruction followed by acceptance/hope.

Working in healthcare, I never cease to be amazed at the suffering around me. Yesterday in the clinic I saw a woman whose grandson had just been killed in a car accident, a father who had just donated his kidney so that his son could live, and a high school junior whose mother had died suddenly of aggresive cancer.

Faced with such constant grief, it is difficult at times to point people towards hope. But, today, I wanted to write this blog for all those of you who are also facing pain/loss at this time. Although pain is a natural part of life, being patient with ourselves and others is the key to facing pain. Also, it is pivotal to understand that facing pain is a process, which often starts with shock and denial.

As a Christian nurse practitioner, I want to point people to the hope that can be found in Christ in the midst of suffering. While we know there is no way to avoid the pain that accompanies this life, there is a way to find hope in the middle of it. It is a mystery that I have seen lived out in the lives of many patients, but, suffering produces hope in a way that is not possible otherwise. I see the truth of Scripture lived out in the lives of the people I care for everyday ( 1James 1:2).

I hope that in some way you may be encouraged to know that no matter what you may be facing today you can be certain that God's never left you. I hope that you will take comfort in the fact that facing grief is a process that we all must walk through, at our own pace. Hopefully, this will help us all be more patient with one another as we face the day to day challenges and joys of this life!

Ps.- If you have a certain health issue you would like to see addressed in this blog, please email me on facebook or

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